The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately, she becomes a victim of horrific bullying, but since the school will be closing in 2 months after graduation, no one is willing to help her.
- النوع: رعب, إثارة, دراما
- ستوديو: Nikkatsu Corporation, Nippan Group Holdings, VAP, L'espace Vision, L'ESPACE FILM
- الكلمة الرئيسية: fire, bullying, revenge, conflagration, blood revenge, girl, school bullying, revenge for bullying
- المصبوب: 山田杏奈, 清水尋也, 大谷凜香, Rena Ohtsuka, 中田青渚, 紺野彩夏