The story revolves around four teens - the good-looking twins Asaba Yuuta and Yuuki, the effeminate Matsuoka Shun, and the class head Tsukahara Kaname - who have known each other since early childhood. While they are not necessarily good or bad friends, they continue to hang out well into high school. The half-Japanese transfer student Tachibana Chizuru joins the circle of friends in this comedy about the everyday life of adolescence.
- Жанр: Animation, Drama, Comedy
- Студыя: TV Tokyo
- Ключавое слова: friendship, high school, growing up, slice of life, school, bromance, falling in love, based on manga, childhood, school life, shounen, anime, bishounen, iyashikei
- У ролях: Toshiyuki Toyonaga, Saki Nakajima, Miyu Irino, Yuki Ono, Ryohei Kimura, Koki Uchiyama