Seven years have passed since Ultraman Trigger protected the world from various threats. In the present, Kanata Asumi, who is a positive young man, peacefully lives together with his grandpa. One day, while delivering ordered food, he witnessed a catastrophe: Spheres from the outer space attack Earth and Mars. Motivated by saving the precious lives of the people, he merges with Ultraman Decker and joins GUTS-Select, in order to protect what's important.
- Műfaj: Drama, Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
- Stúdió: TV Tokyo, TV Aichi, TVQ, TV Osaka, TVh, TSC
- Kulcsszó: japan, hero, villain, sequel, superhero, extraterrestrial, space, alien, giant monster, dinosaur, alien invasion, super power, reboot, kaiju, giant, supervillain, card, new generation, kyodai hero, ultraman, gimmick, henshin heroes, ultraman decker, tokusatsu
- Öntvény: Hiroki Matsumoto, Yūka Murayama, Nobunaga Daichi, Sae Miyazawa, Masaya Kikawada, Hiroshi Tsuchida