The true story of Isha Sensei, the only doctor in her hometown Oisawa Village (now Oisawa, Nishikawa Town) in Yamagata Prefecture, a remote area at the time, where there was no doctor.
The true story of Isha Sensei, the only doctor in her hometown Oisawa Village (now Oisawa, Nishikawa Town) in Yamagata Prefecture, a remote area at the time, where there was no doctor.
5.2 1935 HD
5.1 1993 HD
0 2011 HD
7.2 1938 HD
6 2014 HD
0 1963 HD
5.5 2008 HD
7.264 2008 HD
4.3 1998 HD
0 1975 HD
5.4 1988 HD
4 2008 HD
6.949 2005 HD
Saat seorang arsitek yang patah hati pindah ke sebuah apartemen baru, ia berselisih dengan arwah penyewa sebelumnya, yang masih tinggal di sana.
4.8 1982 HD
6.973 2002 HD
5.995 1992 HD
6.436 1996 HD
6.531 1997 HD
6.9 2003 HD
6.1 2007 HD