Takarazuka Cosmos Troupe. The show opens with Robert Jordan being introduced at a charity event . He tells his hostess that he can't join her for the after party, as he is flying first to Paris, and then to Spain to rejoin the Republican forces. He has been going there sporadically, helping as a volunteer sent on commando missions to blow up important military targets (mainly bridges). In Madrid he meets General Golz of military intelligence, who sends him on his most dangerous and critical mission yet, to blow up a bridge in Guadarrama. It is a major hinge of a Republican offensive push, timed to begin in four days.
- 유형:
- 사진관: Takarazuka Revue Productions
- 예어: takarazuka, takarazuka revue, cosmos troupe
- 캐스트: 大空祐飛, 野々すみ花, 蘭寿とむ, 凪七瑠海, 나나미 히로키