The story of an apparitious extraterrestrial and a vertically mobile prepubescent. "Dimension Loop" is an original animation by Koji Morimoto. This work displays visuals with a speed unlike any other piece directed by Morimoto. Unfolding visual images together with the gentle and in some ways nostalgia-evoking singing voice of Kicell, compel you to slip into the feeling of floating lightly on air. The refined sense of taste of the world of visual images is produced in a monotone. The characters transcend dimensions and link to each other…where do they finally end up?
- 유형: SF, 애니메이션
- 사진관: STUDIO4℃, Horipro, Beyond C.
- 예어: anime, original video animation (ova), short film, animated short film, japanese animation, studio 4°c, strange anime, weird anime
- 캐스트: 森本晃司, 福島敦子