Documentary filmmaker Genya Tachibana has tracked down the legendary actress Chiyoko Fujiwara, who mysteriously vanished at the height of her career. When he presents her with a key she had lost and thought was gone forever, the filmmaker could not have imagined that it would not only unlock the long-held secrets of Chiyoko’s life... but also his own.
- genus: Animation, Drama, Romance, Fantasy
- Studio: Madhouse
- keyword: japan, china, key, surreal, earthquake, second sino-japanese war (1937-45), historical, recluse, adult animation, movie star, story within the story, edo period, sengoku period, shouwa period, accident, anime, meiji period, recollection, movie studio, actress, adventure
- cast: 荘司美代子, 小山茉美, 折笠富美子, 津田匠子, 飯塚昭三, 小野坂昌也