This is an animated version of Yanase Takashi's picture book featuring the friendship between a mother dog, Muku-muku, who lost her puppy, and the baby lion Buru-buru, who lost her mother.
This is an animated version of Yanase Takashi's picture book featuring the friendship between a mother dog, Muku-muku, who lost her puppy, and the baby lion Buru-buru, who lost her mother.
6.7 1978 HD
5.7 2006 HD
7.3 2013 HD
6.9 2013 HD
6.5 2014 HD
10 1991 HD
6.4 1981 HD
6.6 1933 HD
5.8 2004 HD
6.3 1969 HD
5.571 1964 HD
6 2014 HD
7.1 1984 HD
0 1980 HD
5.7 2012 HD
6.5 2008 HD
7.5 2013 HD
6.2 1967 HD
6.9 2002 HD
3.5 1979 HD