Red Zone
"Red Zone" is an International Feature Film in English language created by the Award Winning Film Maker Sunil Babbar. It is based on Buddhism. The film reflects the mysterious life journey of a revered Buddhist Monk, who wishes to achieve the Buddhahood in his present life, but falls down when a mysterious girl enters his life. Shot on the beautiful locales of Galle Fort in Sri Lanka, it presents the journey of two different persons belonging to two different Worlds, exhibiting their pains, agonies and their quest to achieve Buddhahood.
- Жанр: драма
- Студия: Pomy Films
- Ключевое слово: buddha, sri lanka, spiritualism, red zone, bollywood-hollywood crossover, bollywood, planchette, sunil babbar, harshita ruhela, pomy films, bollywood flyover, red zone by sunil babbar, galle fort
- В ролях: Sunil Babbar, Harshita Ruhela, Bhante Panyasiri