The story begins when the Lupinrangers, Kairi, Touma, and Umika, are kidnapped by someone mysterious. The Patrangers are then tasked with an Abduction Case to find the missing thieves, where they run into the Kyuranger team as they pass through space. Just who exactly kidnapped them? And why did the 12 Kyurangers return to space?
- Жанр: боевик, приключения, фантастика, криминал
- Студия: Toei Company
- Ключевое слово: superhero, super power, superhero team, super sentai, tokusatsu
- В ролях: 伊藤あさひ, 結木滉星, 岐洲匠, 工藤遥, 奥山かずさ, 大久保桜子