Set in the year 2060, it follows a love story as Tokyo's third Olympics draws near. Takeru Oosawa, who works for the AI Robot Technology Research Lab, is chosen as a member of the national secret project using humanoid robots. With the help of childhood friend and co-worker Youichirou Amano and his sister Saki, Takeru tries his best to reach his objectives. However, the situation changes when Saki's office receives a warning note for terrorism.
- Жанр: мультфильм, драма, мелодрама, фантастика
- Студия: A-1 Pictures
- Ключевое слово: artificial intelligence (a.i.), based on novel or book, olympic games, terrorism, robot, anime, humanoid robot
- В ролях: Кана Ханадзава, 入野自由, Хидэнобу Киути