Tokyo Friends is a Japanese television drama released on June 3, 2005. Unlike many other dramas, it was never aired on TV but released as a set of 3 DVDs. Volumes one and two contain the first 4 episodes while volume three contains the last episode. Each episode is approximately 70 minutes. The Tokyo Friends Premium Box was also released which includes all 5 episodes, a bonus DVD, and 12 postcards. Although this is a very typical Tokyo-story and was never aired on TV, it was quite successful probably because it was Ai Otsuka's debut as an actress.
- Жанр: Drama, Comedy
- Студия: Fuji TV
- Ключевое слово: friendship, romance
- В ролях: Ai Otsuka, Eita Nagayama, Rio Matsumoto, Yoko Maki, Mao Kobayashi, Kazuki Kitamura