In the heart of Osaka's old neighborhoods lies a run-down apartment building known as "Copo." Its thin walls and lack of privacy are home to a group of residents, each struggling with their own pasts and uncertainties. Yuri, a part-time worker, has fled her family, while her neighbors—an aloof man who lives off women, a shy laborer with clumsy affections, and an older resident running a mysterious business—navigate their complex lives. The discovery of a fellow tenant’s death forces them all to confront their personal dilemmas and the fragile nature of life in the "Copo."
- Zhanri: Drama
- Studio:
- Fjalen: apartment, ensemble drama
- Cast: 馬場ふみか, 東出昌大, 倉悠貴, 笹野高史, 片岡礼子, Shiori Fujisawa