Masaka Kubota plays high-school student Keita, who leads a secret life as a "network investigator" for a secret organization. In the introductory episode, Keita has moved to a new school in Tokyo but doesn't like it. His best friend from his previous school comes to Tokyo and they run away together. Passing through a construction site the pair are attacked by a robot, but are then saved by a man named Takimoto and his strange sidekick — a cell phone with arms and legs. This Buddy Keitai cell phone with "human intelligence capabilities" will go on sale in Japan in April.
- Zhanri: Science Fiction, Comedy, TV Movie
- Studio:
- Fjalen:
- Cast: 窪田正孝, 津田寛治, Reiko Igarashi, 渡辺典子, 田口浩正, 松田悟志