SF新世紀 レンズマン
In this animated adaptation of E. E. Doc Smith's groundbreaking science fiction serial "Grey Lensman" from the 1930s-1950s, Kimball Kinnison, a young man from the agricultural planet Mquie and his Valerian companion, Buscirk find a dying man with a legendary crystal lens embedded in his hand. As the man was dying, he mysteriously passed on the Lens to Kim. With more companions to come by, Kim must find out the purpose of the Lens before the Boskone dynasty does.
- ประเภท: แอนนิเมชั่น, บู๊, นิยายวิทยาศาสตร์
- สตูดิโอ: TOHO, EE Doc Smith MK Company, MK Productions Ltd., Madhouse, Kodansha
- คำสำคัญ: space, suicide mission, reptilian, crystal, slave labor
- นักแสดง: 古川登志夫, โคยามะ มามิ, 大塚周夫, 野沢那智, 小林克也, 加藤精三