Shih Erh (Yuen Biao), a Taoist monk disciple, takes in a scholar named Tsui Hung-Chuen (Lawrence Ng) after he inadvertently burned down his house after battling a demon. Shih Erh and his master Wu Men-Chu (Wu Ma) house and attempt to protect Tsui from the demons and spirits that lurk nearby; however, Tsui encounters a benevolent female ghost named Mo Chiu (Joey Wang), who is confined to the hands of the wicked King Ghost (Elizabeth Lee).
- Genre: Horror, Action, Fantasy
- Studio: Paragon Films, Orange Sky Golden Harvest
- Keyword: demon, ghost
- Cast: 王祖賢, 元彪, 午馬, 吳啟華, Elizabeth Lee Mei-Fung, 薛芷伦