L'Idiot follows Rajat "Rinku" Chaddha, an awkward, daydreaming young man obsessed with French culture, as he attempts to win over Mona, a charismatic girl in his French class. With the help of a local thief, Rinku devises a plan to become Mona's hero, but things take an unexpected turn, forcing him to confront his fantasies and reality.
- Genre: Comedy, Crime
- Studio: The Handheld Film Company
- Keyword: friendship, identity, delhi, india, mona lisa (la gioconda), heroism, coming of age, unrequited love, reality vs fantasy, dreamer, socially awkward, manipulative friend, naive young man, day dreamer, tragicomedy, jean-luc godard, humor, french culture, romantic obsession, language class, thief alliance
- Cast: Anurag Kohli, Divyansh Sharma, Sanskriti Sharma, Kripesh Jani