Giovanni currently lives a dreary life of near non-stop work. At school, his peers ridicule him incessantly, and his employer at work is distant and cold. As his isolation from society becomes unbearable, he suddenly finds himself on a train heading far away from his miserable home. Accompanied by Campanella, an acquaintance from school, Giovanni embarks on a journey that will define the rest of his life.
- Genre: Adventure, Animation, Drama, Family, Mystery, Fantasy
- Studio: Nippon Herald Films, The Asahi Shimbun, Group TAC
- Keyword: friendship, japan, based on novel or book, buddhism, cat, philosophy, literature, innocence, melancholy, surrealism, anthropomorphism, another dimension
- Cast: 田中真弓, 坂本千夏, 堀絢子, Kaori Nakahara, 島村佳江, 新村礼子