Ultraman Saga opens with a powerful apocalyptic vision of Tokyo, buildings destroyed and the city seemingly devoid of life. We are soon introduced to the Earth Defense Force (EDF), Team U (played by members of the female idol group AKB48). They and a group of young children and the last survivors on planet Earth after the world was invaded by the evil Alien Bat, the rest of the human population having been abducted.
- Thể loại: Phim Hành Động, Phim Phiêu Lưu, Phim Gia Đình, Phim Khoa Học Viễn Tưởng
- Studio: Tsuburaya Productions
- Từ khóa: hero, superhero, super power, kaiju, akb48, ultraman
- Diễn viên: つるの剛士, DAIGO, 秋元才加, 梅田彩佳, 杉浦太陽, 増田有華