In the post-apocalyptic future, the complex networks of machines have created chaos and the human world was destroyed. The robots known as the "Constructer" continued to build a meaningless structure with no one to guide them. Soon these cities reach out to the outer planets and another breed of life form emerges. Follow the journey of a strange man, name Killy, in his search for the understanding of the chaotic world being run by Silicon lifeforms out to destroy him and every living thing in their path.
- Thể loại: Phim Hoạt Hình, Phim Khoa Học Viễn Tưởng
- Studio: Polygon Pictures, Kodansha, Group TAC, THE KLOCKWORX, King Records
- Từ khóa:
- Diễn viên: Aizawa Asuka, Tatsunori Arakawa, Kirsten Potter